Siyum for Dr. Raymond Bloom – Reuven Chayim ben Avrohom Dov ע”ה

This site has been started to manage the siyum for Raymond ע”ה.

The siyum will be held on Motzoei Shabbat, December 19th, 2009. If the mesechta you wanted is already taken,  please choose another mesechta, or simply add your name and email address to the mesechta you wanted, since it will not matter if there is duplication.

Details of how to use this site were included in the email informing you about the siyum. Basically, add a comment with the mesechta you want to learn; the comment link is at the  bottom of the page, which lists all the comments and at the end is an area for you to add your comment.

סדר זרעים

ברכות: Aryeh Schleider, Mike Tabor (, Rabbi Dov Bidnick, Rabbi Yonoson Yodaiken (
פאה: Charles Bloom, Jonathan Kemp, Joseph Kemp, Rabbi Chaim Canterovitch, Rabbi Yonoson Yodaiken (
דמאי: Rabbi Druin (
כלאים: David Koros (, Howard Stein
שביעית: Dr. Abe Gittelson (, Mr. Seymour Brief (
תרומות: Rabbi Heshy Riesel (
מעשרות: Yitzi Scharfer
מעשר שני: Avrohom Jaffe (
חלה: Norman Bloom (
ערלה: David Hackenbroch
ביכורים: Aron Yosef Scharfer

סדר מועד

שבת: Julian Weiss (
עירובין: Rabbi Nechemia Feigenbaum, Abraham Bamberger (
פסחים: Raphi Bloom & Kids
שקלים: Akiva Hackenbroch, Dr Mervyn Black (, Dovzi Lopian (
יומא: Moshe Winegarten, Ezra Levy (
סוכה: Eliyohu Scharfer
ביצה: Herbert Birnbaum (
ראש השנה: Yinon Albertal
תענית: Stanley Shapiro (
מגילה: Aryeh Moore, Rabbi David Lehrfield (
מועד קטן: Shlomo Galandauer (, Michael Brandeis (
חגיגה: Michael Levin, Henry Koschland (

סדר נשים

יבמות: Avromi Rosenfield
כתובות: Moshe Simcha Lasson (, Jack Godfrey (
נדרים: Joshua Weinberg (, Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro
נזיר: Aryeh Rubin (
סוטה: Shmuel Morell (
גיטין: Yitzi Scharfer
קידושין: Yaakov Opat, Matthew Bookey (

סדר נזיקין

בבא קמא: David Perkins (
בבא מציעא: Michoel Schwarzbaum
בבא בתרא: David Lipson
סנהדרין: Aryeh Hackenbroch, Yossi Hackenbroch
מכות: Sammy Lipson, Menachem Raab (, Rabbi Phillip Ginsbury (
שבועות: Rabbi Hool (, Anthony Schwalbe (
עדיות: Meir Vilenski (, Richard Miller (
עבודה זרה: Ira Robinson (, Jeremy Zukerman (
אבות: Chaim Kahan, Jurgen Ritter (
הוריות: Michael Katz (

סדר קדושים

זבחים: Rabbi Chaim Yaffe (, Simcha Cook (
מנחות: Aba Fink (
חולין: Shlomo Winegarten
בכורות: Shlomo Galandauer (
ערכין: Nessanel Daniel (, Rabbi Yaakov Pearlman (
תמורה: Carmi Schwartz (
כריתות: Rabbi Tzvi Schmelczer
מעילה: Cantor Schwarzmer
תמיד: Aron Yosef Scharfer, Shnayer Weinberg (
מידות: Daniel Lipson
קינים: Shlomo Friedman

סדר טהרות

כלים: Yitzchak Selmar
אהלות: start to פרק seven: Ezer Schwalbe (, פרק eight to end: Shimmy Pine (
נגעים: Bernard Penn (
פרה: Peter Nissen (
טהרות: Dr. Edward Zemel (
מקואות: Leslie Hyman (
נדה: Yitzchak Hackenbroch
מכשירין: First half: Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu, second half: Rabbi Yehuda Kaploun (
זבים: Jerry Epstein (
טבול יום: Leslie Portnoy (
ידים: Dovid Wenick (
עוקצים: Yerucham Bensinger (

83 Responses to “Siyum for Dr. Raymond Bloom – Reuven Chayim ben Avrohom Dov ע”ה”

  1. siyum Says:

    Rabbi Nechemia Feigenbaum – Eruvin

  2. matthew bookey Says:


  3. meir vilenski Says:


  4. Aryeh Rubin Says:

    Thank ou for the notice. I will take Nazeer. Best regards Aryeh

  5. David Perkins Says:

    bava kama

  6. Herbert Birnbaum Says:

    IYH I will Learn Mesecte Beitzo

    Thank you for notifying me.

    May Raymond’s A.S. neshomo have an Aliyoh

  7. Leslie Portnoy Says:


    Thanks for the notification.

    Beli neder, I will learn Massechet Tevul Yom.

    May the neshama of Raymond z”l have an aliyah.

  8. Avrohom Jaffe Says:

    Maaser Sheni

  9. Ira Robinson Says:

    I will do ‘avoda zara.

  10. Shimmy Pine Says:

    B’li neder I will attempt Ohaloth from perek 8 to the end. If anyone else wishes to join in I would be more than happy.
    Greetings from Yerushalayim.

  11. shnayer weinberg Says:

    b”n will take tomid- thanks for the opportunity. shnayer

  12. Shlomo Galandauer Says:

    I will בע”ה learn מועד קטן

  13. Shlomo Galandauer Says:

    May the נשמה of Raymond זצ”ל have an עליה in the זכות of all the learning

  14. siyum Says:

    Please change the mesechta for Matthew Bookey from Yevamos to Kiddushin. Thanks.

  15. Shmuel Morell Says:


  16. Shmuel Morell Says:

    I will take Sota.

  17. Ezra Levy Says:

    I’ll also do Mishnas for Mesechet Yuma

  18. Stanley Shapiro Says:

    Please enter me for Taanit.

  19. Moshe Simcha Lasson Says:

    I will learn Kesuvos.

  20. Moshe Simcha Lasson Says:

    Iwill learn Kesuvos.

  21. mike tabor Says:

    Thanks for letting me know

    Raymond was a source of Brochas for the many he taught/loved

  22. Michael Katz Says:

    I will learn Mishnayos Kiddushin if that is still available.

  23. Michael Katz Says:

    I see that Kiddushin has already been taken, so I will take Horayos which I see is still available.

  24. Menachem Raab Says:

    Will be glad to make a Siyum in Mesechet Makkot

  25. Dovid Wenick Says:

    He will do “Yadaim”

  26. Charles Bloom Jonathan Kemp Joseph Kemp Says:

    We shall take on Payoh
    It reflects the Bloom in us all.

  27. siyum Says:

    Rabbi Dov Bidnick will do B’rochos

  28. siyum Says:

    Dr. Mervyn Black would like to learn Shekalim

  29. Rabbi Druin - Hillel School Says:

    I would like to learn a Massechta that has not been taken. Please let me know which one.

  30. Carmi Schwartz Says:

    I will do Maseches Avodah Zara, G-d willing.

    Regards, Carmi

  31. Carmi Schwartz Says:

    G-d willing I will do Maseches T’murah.

    Regards, Carmi

  32. Yitzchak Selmar Says:

    I will bli neder learn Kaylim.

  33. siyum Says:

    Rabbi Philip Ginsbury

  34. Jeremy zukerman Says:

    I will study the laws of avodah zarah.

  35. siyum Says:

    Rabbi Philip Ginsbury would like to change from Makkot to Chagigah

  36. Leslie Hyman Says:

    I will do Mikvaot

  37. Jerry Epstein Says:

    I will bli neder attempt to do zavim. Hatzlocho!

  38. siyum Says:

    Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro will learn Nedarim

  39. dovzi lopian Says:

    mishnayot shekkollim

  40. Chaim Yaffe Says:

    zevachim [bli neder]

  41. siyum Says:

    Rabbi Chaim Yaffe

  42. siyum Says:

    Cantor Schwarzmer

  43. David Koros Says:

    Sign me up for Kelaim. Thanks.

  44. Joshua Weinberg Says:

    I will take Nedarim. Thank you

  45. siyum Says:

    Josh Weinberg

  46. siyum Says:

    Please add Rabbi Chaim Canterovitch to Charles Bloom and family for Payoh

  47. Shlomo Galandauer Says:

    I will בלי נדר learn כריתות

  48. siyum Says:

    Howard Stein will learn

  49. siyum Says:

    Michoel Schwarzbaum will learn
    Baba Metzia

  50. siyum Says:

    Shlomo Friedman will learn

  51. siyum Says:

    Michael Levin will learn

  52. Yerucham Bensinger Says:


  53. Henry Koschland Says:

    Will do Chagigah

  54. Shlomo Galandauer Says:

    I will בע”ה learn בכורות instead of כריתות

  55. jurgen ritter Says:

    Jurgen Ritter would like to learn Avos.

  56. Henry Koschland Says:


  57. Norman Bloom Says:

    I will בלי נדר learn מסכת חלה

  58. nessanel daniel Says:


  59. Peter Nissen Says:

    I will learn פרה

  60. Rabbi Yaakov Pearlman Says:

    I will I’Y’H learn Misnayos Mesechta Ayrechin
    L’ilui Nishmas, my friend, Raymond Z”L. .

  61. Henry Koschland Says:

    Nesaniel Daniel will learn Eiruchin

  62. Henry Koschland Says:

    Please change Y. Hackenbroch to Yitzchak Hackenbroch who is learning Niddah

  63. Rabbi Hool Says:

    I will BLN learn Shovuos

  64. Anthony Schwalbe Says:

    Will learn Shevuos Beli neder ubli Shevuoh. Ezer Schwalbe will likewise learn Oholos from till Perek 7
    Well done for arranging this wonderfull tribute to Raymond Zichrono Livracha

  65. Aba Fink Says:

    Aba Fink would like to learn

  66. Dr. Abe Gittelson Says:

    I will learn Shevi’is

  67. Aba Fink Says:

    I will learn Minchos

  68. Dr. Abe Gittelson Says:

    I would like to learn Shevi’is

  69. Aba Fink Says:

    I would like to learn Menuchos

  70. simcha cook Says:

    I will learn מט’ זבחיס ב”נ in fond memory of Raymond ז”ל
    who together with Carmel eased the pain of being in a strange land.

  71. Jack Godfrey Says:

    Just got notification. Many thanks. Nice to do something positive.
    Sorry but now only time for me to complete Mesechta Ktuboth, which I am currently learning but it will be completed with Raymond in my thoughts and may he enjoy an Aliyat Neshamah.

  72. Rabbi Heshy Riesel Says:

    I would like to learn Terumas

  73. Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu Says:

    Dayan Ehrentreu has offered to learn the first half of the mesechta of Machshirin

  74. Bernard Penn Says:

    In fond memory of my dear chaver Raymond z’l I will be learning IYH Masseches Negaim

  75. Abraham Bamberger Says:

    Masseches Eravin

  76. Rabbi Yehuda Kaploun Says:

    Second half of Machshirin

  77. Mr. Seymour Brief Says:

    I would like to learn Shevi’is

  78. Dr. Edward Zemel Says:

    I will learn Taharas

  79. Rabbi David Lehrfield Says:

    I would like to learn Megilla

  80. rabbi yonoson yodaiken Says:


  81. Rabbi Yodaiken Says:

    I would like to learn both berochos and peah

  82. Richard Miller Says:

    I will be joining Rabbi Meir Vilenski in learning עדיות. Thank you for this opportunity to remember Raymond in this positive fashion.

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